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Кригер Борис - Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life

Кригер Борис - Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life
Название: Кригер Борис - Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life
Дата добавления: 5 декабрь 2020
Количество просмотров: 353
Возрастные ограничения: Внимание (18+) аудиокнига может содержать контент только для совершеннолетних
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Описание Кригер Борис - Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life
Who is this Lilli-Bunny anyway? Lilli-Bunny might be you, but without the dog-eat-dog life, work that sucks, shrimpy wage, abuse and discrimination, burnt porridge, rubber love, clay conscience, spat soul, snotty childhood, wooden toys, finger in the glass of milk in kindergarten (so that your neighbor won't drink it), blots in your copybook, ice cream fallen to the pavement, slaps of schoolmate bullies, Jules Verne ships that set sail without you, pathetic marriage, or pressure of “circumstances” that turned into fully-grown boneheads who smoke in your basement (not just tobacco), dysfunctional family, disrespectful grandchildren, measly old age, early death, solitude in the crowd, and also, of course, the “Major Disappointment of Your Entire Life” (whatever you choose it to be) and other insignificant troubles. Lilli-Bunny might be you if, of course, you add to your life a full scoop of sunny days, a little semolina porridge with raspberry jam, a friendship with a teddy bear, a portion of common sense, a sense of humor, some sharp-toothed satire, a bit of merry laughter, and a whole lot of unrestrained laughter!
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Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life
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