» » Окунев Игорь - My First Geography Book: The World Tour of Stuffed Toys around their Apartment

Окунев Игорь - My First Geography Book: The World Tour of Stuffed Toys around their Apartment

Окунев Игорь - My First Geography Book: The World Tour of Stuffed Toys around their Apartment
Название: Окунев Игорь - My First Geography Book: The World Tour of Stuffed Toys around their Apartment
Дата добавления: 11 июль 2023
Количество просмотров: 162
Возрастные ограничения: Внимание (18+) аудиокнига может содержать контент только для совершеннолетних
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Описание Окунев Игорь - My First Geography Book: The World Tour of Stuffed Toys around their Apartment
A boy and his stuffed animals start a journey around their apartment. They find out that the apartment is a kingdom that has mountains, rivers, and cities, that everything in it has its purpose, and that the most important place in it is near the parent bedroom. They will also learn what a real geographer needs to leave the house, and finally, after looking into the laws of geography, our characters will venture to explore the world around them. Do you have any maps, atlases, or geography books? Have you already travelled, and how did you prepare for those trips? Did you take your stuffed friends with you? Let's study geography together! Use #myfirstgeographybook to share your stuffed toys geographic explorations with other book readers.
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